12 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Notary Studies Globally: Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study aims to investigate research trends on notarial topics in published documents globally, including identifying the position of Indonesian research in this context and issues that require further exploration in this discipline. This research method involves collecting data on notary publications from various indexed journal sources in the Scopus database. Scopus was chosen because it is a popular and trusted indexer. This data was then analyzed bibliometrically to identify trends in the number of publications, the most prolific authors, and documents frequently cited in the notary field, including the research topics discussed. In addition, the position of Indonesian research in international databases is also evaluated. The research findings show that notarization is an important and fast-growing field in the global legal system. Notarial publications have steadily increased in recent years, reflecting the growing interest in the discipline globally. This research also reveals that Indonesia has contributed many publications in notary affairs, but there is still potential for further development. Topics such as digital notarization and smart contracts stand out as areas that require further exploration. This indicates the importance of adapting to technological developments and changes in legal practice. Thus, this research provides a deeper understanding of the urgency and position of the notary in navigating an increasingly complex and globally connected legal era


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    The primary purposes of this research are to investigate the multifaceted role of health workers in the delivery of health services and to explore the legal aspects surrounding medical malpractice within the healthcare system. Specifically, this study aims to examine the evolving perception of health workers in society, moving beyond their traditional role as “healers” to encompass their broader responsibilities. Additionally, it seeks to understand the legal implications of medical errors and malpractice within the healthcare system, with a focus on negligence as a central factor. The issue of malpractice, because of the legal awareness of patients who feel aggrieved, results in the prosecution of doctors who commit medical errors (malpractice) which end up in criminal prosecution of patients who feel aggrieved, it is realized by all parties that doctors are only human beings who can one day be negligent and make mistakes, so that violations of the code of ethics can occur even to the point of violating applicable health regulations.This study employes a normative legal research approach to comprehensively examine the multifaceted role of health workers and the intricate legal dimensions surrounding medical malpractice within the healthcare sector. The result of the study found hospital criminal liability for malpractice committed by the hospital or by its health workers can be based on the doctrines of vicarious liability, hospital liability, and strict liability. Doctor’s medical malpractice in medical services can be intentional or negligent. What can be accounted for in medical malpractice is only a doctor’s negligence in carrying out medical procedures


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    Zakat on wealth is Zakat that is given to people who are less able to help welfare and clean up the wealth of mankind. The purpose of this study is to find out the existence of a close relationship between government and zakat and to find out errors or weaknesses in Law Number 23 of 2011 that can harm parties who have noble goals. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical method. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner, namely the data obtained were presented descriptively and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study indicate that the management of zakat in the city of Yogyakarta is not effective, the mechanism mandated in the law alone does not work, but all elements and elements involved in the implementation of zakat management in the city of Yogyakarta are still running. It can be concluded that the articles that have the potential to harm the zakat amil in the city of Yogyakarta are not running well, even there are no or no cases of sanctions in the form of fines, confinement or other administrative sanctions to zakat amil for violations mandated in the legislation.Zakat Harta adalah Zakat yang di berikan kepada masyarakat yang kurang mampu untuk membantu kesejahteraan dan memersihkan harta umat manusia. Tujuan Penelitian tersebut Untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan erat antara pemerintahan dengan zakat dan untuk Untuk mengetahui kesalahan atau kelemahan-kelemahan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 yang dapat merugikan pihak-pihak yang memiliki tujuan mulia. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif Analisis Data Dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu data yang diperoleh disajikan secara deskriptif dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian Tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan zakat di kota Yogyakarta tidak efektif, secara mekanisme yang diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang itu saja yang tidak berjalan, tetapi semua elemen dan unsur yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan zakat di Kota Yogyakarta tetap berjalan. Dapat disimpulkan Pasal-pasal yang berpotensi merugikan para amil zakat itu di Kota Yogyakarta tidak berjalan dengan baik bahkan tidak ada atau belum ada kasus pemberian sanksi berupa denda, kurungan maupun sanksi administratif lainnya kepada amil zakat atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang diamanatkan dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan

    A Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia on the Role of Notaries and Advocates

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    This research aims to compare the roles of notaries and advocates in Indonesia and Malaysia. The urgency of this research is to provide better insight into the topic. The novelty of this research lies in the comparative approach offered in this analysis in the legal context of Indonesia and Malaysia. This research uses a qualitative approach with data sources in documentation and observation. The analysis tool chosen is Nvivo 12 Plus. The findings of this study succeeded in identifying striking similarities and differences in the roles of these two professions. The main similarity in the role of notaries in Indonesia and Malaysia is the function of legalizing and enforcing the validity of legal documents. Notaries in both countries certify documents and ensure compliance with applicable laws. However, the most significant difference lies in the two countries' scope of duties, legal authority, and notary education systems. The main similarities in the role of advocates in Indonesia and Malaysia include legal representation, providing legal advice, and filing legal documents. However, the main differences relate to the scope of the case, legal system, educational requirements, legal language, and legal culture. This shows differences in the two countries' legal contexts and legal demands. Thus, the roles of notaries and advocates in Indonesia and Malaysia have basic similarities in legalizing documents and legal representation but significant differences in the scope of duties, legal authority, education system, and legal and cultural context

    Passport Service Innovation Through the "Jemput Bola Berbasis HAM" Program by Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Pekanbaru

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    Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Pekanbaru initiated several innovations in passport services, including the Jemput Bola Berbasis Hak Asasi Manusia program, abbreviated Jempol HAM. This innovation has been implemented since 2021. It aims to help vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, older, and sick people process passports so that they do not need to visit the immigration office because officers will come to their homes. This research was carried out to measure the implementation of the Jempol HAM passport service innovation by the Immigration Office Class 1 TPI Pekanbaru. Rogers' innovation attributes are used as an analytical tool in answering the problems in this research, namely relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The qualitative research method with case study research type is the method that will be used in this research. The research results show that the Jempol HAM passport service innovation has been implemented well and provides convenience for vulnerable communities. Rogers' five innovation attributes are included in implementing the Jempol HAM innovation. This can be seen from the perceived benefits regarding time efficiency and the needs of vulnerable groups in Pekanbaru City regarding immigration services

    Pengadopsian Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani oleh Kelurahan Bumi Ayu

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    Wilayah Bebas Dari Korupsi (WBK) and Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih Dan Melayani (WBBM) is a predicate given to units/work units in Local Government with as low as echelon III that perform service functions. The term WBK or WBBM is not wrong if it is adopted by government units / work units in echelon IV, namely Urban Village because Urban Village is a work unit that also provides services to the community. In the adoption of WBK and WBBK independently in Bumi Ayu Urban Village, Dumai subdistrict, Dumai city, there are several problems. The first is that almost all employees and office holders in Bumi Ayu Urban Village do not understand the meaning of WBK or WBBM. The next problem is the service mechanism that does not meet the standards of WBK and WBBM. The method used in this community service is to provide counseling and assistance to the Bumi Ayu Urban Village government apparatus. It can be concluded that counseling and assistance on the adoption of WBK and WBBM in Bumi Ayu Urban Village in an effort to improve services to the community runs successfully and smoothly and Bumi Ayu Urban Village officials increasingly understand the importance of the predicate of WBK and WBBM

    Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Jual Beli Tenaga Listrik Antara PT. PLN (Persero) dengan Pelanggan Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelawawan

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    The need for electrical energy is the lifeblood of human life; in that case, if you want electricity, you must use the services of PT. PLN (Persero) with the terms and conditions of the agreement between the customer and PT. PLN (Persero). Public relations, both people and PT. PLNs, which are in a position called customers, were born on a bond of agreement. However, several problems occurred between the customer and PT. PLN regarding the agreement that needed to be carried out correctly. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the implementation of the power purchase agreement between PT. PLN (Persero) with household customers in Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, and what factors cause obstacles in the power purchase agreement in Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency. The research method is a sociological, legal research method, namely legal research that wants to see the correlation of people's opinions as customers of PT. PLN (Persero) related to the electricity purchase agreement letter between the community as customers of household needs. The study results show that implementing these rights and obligations and the things agreed upon by the parties in a large percentage can be carried out. And the inhibiting factors are delays in electricity payments with complete or temporary disconnections, pole planting, and parallel connections

    Dynamics Of Traffic Violations From The Perspective Of Cultural Criminology: A Studi In Pekanbaru, Indonesia

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    This article examines the dynamics of traffic violations in Pekanbaru, where community has been accustomed to it. The research method used is legal normative and legal-empirical, where data was obtained through surveys involving respondents from the community on how far understanding of traffic violations is percieved. Research findings indicate that frequent traffic violations have various consequences, such as an increase in incidents. Data obtained from the Pekanbaru Police Department over the last 4 years shows an increase in accident cases that stem from frequent traffic violations have become a common behavior in Pekanbaru communities, where people often perceive them as ordinary and even as part of everyday life. This is supported by survey results showing that 46% of respondents stated that the main reason for their traffic violations is because they are accustomed to doing so. In cultural criminology, the behavior of traffic offenders is considered a form of traffic crime culture. This is due to the high frequency and patterns of criminal activities that occur every day, even at all times, making it a deviant culture and an accepted habit in society. This would need to legal culture interventions to raise legal awareness on traffic law and the risks of violation to it

    EFEK SAMPING EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN Moringa oleifera Lam. TERHADAP HEWAN UJI Rattus norvegicus

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    Moringa oleifera Lam. (MoL) telah dikenal luas penggunaannya dalam dunia medis. Tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai analgesik, antiinflamasi, antipiretik, antikanker, dan lain sebagainya. Efek samping obat adalah setiap efek yang timbul pada tubuh yang kemunculannya tidak diinginkan atau diharapkan. Pada efek samping obat dapat muncul berbagai macam manifestasi klinis, hingga kematian dan dianggap sebagai bentuk toksisitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanda dan gejala efek samping pemberian ekstrak etanol daun MoL. Daun MoL diperoleh dari pasar tradisional Sungai Dama, Samarinda. Daun ini dimaserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96% selama 24 jam. Sebanyak 12 tikus Wistar albino jantan digunakan sebagai subjek penelitian. Tikus ini dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (diberikan akuades) dan tiga kelompok perlakuan yang masing-masing diberi ekstrak etanol MoL 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Setiap tikus diberi satu dosis sediaan uji per oral. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA (p<0,05). Pada subjek penelitian tidak terjadi perubahan tanda klinis yang signifikan. Secara rata-rata, tidak ditemukan adanya penurunan berat badan pada subjek penelitian. Pada hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan perubahan berat badan antarkelompok (p=0,980). Uji yang dilakukan pada kelompok perlakuan MoL 5%, 10%, dan 15% tidak menunjukkan efek samping